Warranty Registration

Neo Helios XP Light Series


Over the years, Neo Helios is dedicated to giving you exceptional and quality after-sales services.

You can now register your warranty for a newly purchased Neo Helios XP Light unit with click the button below!


    Register Your Equipment


    Please upload your receipt here
    Format: JPG, JPEG, GIF, PNG, PDF | File Limit: 5MB

    1. This warranty applies only to purchases made in Malaysia and through Xin Yang Authorized Business Partners, dealers and official channels on or after the effective date identified above, and only cover genuine Solar Color Booster. This Warranty is only valid in Malaysia.

    2. The LED and ADAPTER is warranted for a period of 3 MONTHS from original date of purchase.

    3. This warranty is invalidated if the defect is caused (howsoever) by human factor, such as wear and tear, misuse, abuse, neglect rough handling or ingress water.

    ** All rights reserved by Xin Yang Aquarium and Pets Sdn Bhd **

    For further support and enquiry, do not hesitate to call our Warranty Service Call Centre at: 012-511 0005. Our team is available during Mon-Fri, 10am-5.30pm (except Public Holidays).

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